my projects

React projects

These are some of the react projects I have implemented from my experience, videos and tutorial and for fun.

HTML, CSS & JS Projects

This reopsitory includes small personal projects made for fun and to learn new skills

Python Projects

This repository will contain python problem and small projects. Inspired by #100DaysOfCode, I will be following the course by Dr. Angela Yu i.e 100DaysofPython.

Masakkali NGO website

This is a responsive website made for the NGO, masakkali. Website is build with HTML, CSS, JS and bootstrap, it is reponsive and have CSS animation and good for lead generation.

Lead generation site for M3M group

This is fullly responsive lead generation website made for M3M enterprises for diverse group of people intrested in real estate.

Lead generation site

This is another fullly responsive lead generation website made for M3M enterprises for diverse group of people intrested in real estate.

NodeJs Projects

My personal repo of Node projects. This repo contains Node projects/ scripts I have implemented from several courses and some through experimentation.

Twitter Amplify Clone

AWS Amplify in hands-on way through the development of twitter-like social media applications